Emperor Bush is still supported
By every darn retard who should’ve been aborted.
Month: December 2008
Ode to Emperor Bush
He lifted the economy with his tax cuts.
There was no bailout, you conspiracy nuts.
Histrical Trivia
Here’s a quotation from Nicholson Baker’s 2008 book, “Human Smoke”:
Edgar and Lillian Mowrer were guests of a German banker. It was late in 1932.
“‘After dinner,’ Edgar later wrote, ‘while the men, all Jews but me, sat over coffee, several boasted of giving oney to the Nazi party at the request of Aryans like Schacht and Thyssen.’
“Mowrer was silent. The banker, whom Mowrer identified as ‘Arnholt’–possibly Hans or Heinrich Arnhold–asked him what he was thinking.
“‘Merely wondering,’ said Mowrer, ‘how the People of Israel have managed to survive so many thousands of years when they obviously have a strong suicidal urge.’
“The banker scoffed at Hitler’s rhetoric. ‘Just talk,’ he said.”
Pearl Harbor
A quotation from Nicholson Baker’s 2008 book, “Human Smoke”: “Henry Stmson [Roosevelt’s Republican Secretary of War and reputedly a member of Skull and Bones] was writing in his diary. He, Knox, Stark, Hull, and Marshall had been in the Oval Office with the president, batting around a problem that Roosevelt had brought up. The Japanese were likely to attack soon, perhaps next Monday, the president said. ‘The question was how we should maneuver them into the position of firing the first shot without allowing too much danger to ourselves,’ Stimson wrote. ‘It was a difficult proposition.’ I was November 25, 1941.”
Unanswered Questions
If an irresistible force met an immovable object, would it be good for Israel?
Bob Banner
Aldous Huxley and World Government
Aldous Huxley and World Government by L. A. Rollins
For the edification of some conspiracy nuts, here’s a quotation From Nicholson Baker’s book,”Human Smoke,” regading something Huxley wrote in his 1937 book, “Ends and Means”:”The international police force that people were clamoring for was a mistake and a misnomer, Huxley believed. ‘The police act with the maximum of precision; they go out and arrest the guilty person,’ he wrote. ‘Nations and groups of nations act through their armed forces, which can only act with the maximum of imprecision, killing, maiming, starving and ruining millions of human beings, thr overwhelming majority of hom have committed no crime of any sort.’ An international police force was in actuality a force for international massacre. ‘If you approve of indiscriminate massacres, then you must say so,’ he wrote. ‘You have no right to deceive the unwary by calling your massacre-force by the same name as the force which controls traffic and arrests burglars.'”
Lucifer’s Lexicon
MAVERICK, n. A politician who occasionally disagrees with his own party but who never, ever disagrees with both parties.